Not available if you specify a nominal or ordinal response (Y), or multiple responses.
Searches from a candidate set of experimental runs for a D-optimal design; only available when no response is specified, but used any effects model.
Not available when any response (Y) is specified.
Gives command that displays the dialog to request power details
Displays the dialog to request power details
Variables (columns) have no analysis role by default. Assign None as the variable role when the column plays no part in the analysis or graph.
Variables (columns) have no analysis role by default. Select another role if you want the variable to play a part in the analysis
Select if the column is an effect in the analysis. (also called independent variable, grouping variable, classification variable, regressor, effect, factor). You can also assign roles after selecting an analysis
Select if the column is a response variable in the analysis. (also called dependent variable, and predictor variable. You can also assign roles after selecting an analysis
Select if the column values are to be used as weights in the analysis. You can also assign roles after selecting an analysis
Not active for character data type columns, or if another column is already assigned the Weight role
Select if the column values are to be used as frequencies in the analysis; each row is used in the analysis the number of times given by its frequency value. You can also assign roles after selecting an analysis
Not active for character data type columns, or if another column is already assigned the Freq role.
Assign the Label role to a column whose values you want to appear in plots. To see the label, highlight the point and select the Label command from the Rows menu. You can also assign roles after selecting an analysis
Not active if another column is already assigned the label role (only one column can be a label). To use this column, change the current label column to have None as its role.
Rows menu
Commands affect highlighted rows. Highlight rows by selecting points in plots, bars in charts, or click or drag in the white area beside the row number.
Excludes highlighted rows from statistical analyses. Data remain excluded until you choose the command again on excluded points
Not available now because no rows are highlighted, or because there are no open or no active data tables. To highlight a row, select points in plots, bars in charts, or click or drag beside the row number in the table
Suppresses the display of highlighed points in all plots. Data remain hidden until you choose the command again on hidden points
Not available now because no rows are highlighed, or because there are no open or no active data tables. To highlight a row, select points in plots, bars in charts, or click or drag beside the row number in the table
Labels highlighed points on all plots. Data remain labeled until you choose the command again on labeled points
Not available now because no rows are highlighed, or because there are no open or no active data tables. To highlight a row, select points in plots, bars in charts, or click or drag beside the row number in the table
Deselects all currently selected rows and selects all unselected rows
Not available now because no rows are selected, or because there are no open or no active data tables
Clears all active row state conditions in the data table
Not available now because there are no open or active data tables
colors and marks selected rows according to the levels of a variable you specify
Not available now because there are no open or active data tables
Locates the next highlighted row after the last row that you edited or located
Not available now because no rows are highlighted, or because there are no open or active data tables. To highlight rows, select points in plots, bars in charts, or click or drag beside the row number in the table
Locates the previous selected row from the last row that you edited or located
Not available now because no rows are highlighted, or because there are no open or active data tables. To highlight rows, select points in plots, bars in charts, or click or drag beside the row number in the table
Adds or inserts rows to the current data table
Not available now because there are no open or active data tables
Moves selected rows to the position in the data table you specify
Not available now because there are no open or active data tables
Deletes the selected rows from a JMP data table
Not available now because no rows are highlighted, or because there are no open or active data tables. To highlight rows, select points in plots, bars in charts, or click or drag beside the row number in the table
Saves the Mahalanobis distance as a new column in the corresponding data table. You can select this Save command more than once, creating multiple columns.
Saves the Jackknifed Mahalanobis distance as a new column in the corresponding data table. A row's Jackknifed distance is computed using the mean, std dev, and correlation that does not include that row.
Save menu
Saves many statistical results from the current analysis as new columns in the data table. Some statistics include their prediction equation.
Select to see 95% density ellipses on each plot in the scatterplot matrix.
Select to remove the density ellipses from the scatterplot matrix.
Displays the JMP color palette to choose a color for the density ellipses
Displays a dialog for you to enter a find value. When you click Find, JMP searches the entire data table for the value, and highlights it if found.
Continues to search the data table for the specified Find Value.
Replaces the contents of the currently highlighted cell with contents of the Replace With box in the Find dialog.
Replaces the contents of the currently highlighted cell with contents of the Replace With box in the Find dialog and continues to search for the Find value
Replaces all occurances of the Find value entered in the Find What box of the Search dialog with the Replace Value entered in the Replace With box.
Gives pop-up menu of commands that let you select rows with specified row state characteristics or data values